January Update: Marks, Art, and Games

The first month of 2023 draws to a close and marks the halfway point of this Kickstarter! April is still the deadline for the printed edition being ready for you all to order from DriveThruRPG, and so far we’re looking good to hit that goal. My big spreadsheet of items required for the book to be ready is now sitting at a healthy 70% complete, with a lot of the outstanding items marked as ‘in progress’ or ‘nearing completion’.

This update I’d like to talk about the backer-created content. Those lucky and generous individuals who paid for some of the unique backer tiers to add an NPC, Monster, or a Mark to the game have given me some great submissions; I can’t wait for everyone to read the extra material added to the book thanks to them.

In particular, I’d like to give some details of the backer-created Marks.

A Driven Hunter (left) and an Illuminated Hunter (right)

The Driven Mark was created by Casey Ludwig. These Hunters have been granted an insight into the great machine that runs the universe and are now cursed with an obsession to ‘improve’ their bodies with mechanical augmentations and replacements. The boon granted by this Mark allows hunters to create devices that replicate the effects of Edges, either to be used by themselves or others. However, as their curse advances these poor wretches will slowly replace more and more of themselves with metal, and finally turn on others to complete their research.

The Illuminated Mark was created by Matthew Breithaupt. Touched by an alien luminescence, hunters with this Mark have become hosts for an ethereal parasite that feeds on the lifeforce of others. Able to emit a hypnotising light, these hunters are often incredibly scintillating and social individuals. However, their captivating personalities mask their true nature: as their curse progresses the lifeform within them begins to actively feed on those around them until its final transformation births something truly monstrous into the world.

Omercan as usual has created some great character artwork to go with these entries, as you can see above, and I think they round out the list of Marks very nicely.

I also ran the first game of When the Moon Hangs Low for some backers over on the official Discord last weekend. Three intrepid hunters ventured into the Shambles in search of a missing church minister, uncovering a plundered grave, an ancient crypt, and some decidedly disturbing creatures in the process. If you’re interested in joining me for a trip through the cursed city, head over to the Discord to see when I’m next running a game!

See you all in February.