February Update: Videos and Covers

February’s a short month, but even so it seems to have shot past for me. I’ve now finished the last few layout tweaks I need to make, and the book is looking pretty close to done!

Gabriel and Omercan have been great and there are only a few pieces of artwork left to finish. I also have the finished cover for the book, a preview of which you can see below! Sy, the artist, has done a great job I think: I can’t wait to see what this looks like when its printed.

Will has also been smashing it with the soundtrack. Every track they send me genuinely gives me chills. I had a chance to put the soundtrack to use with my next piece of news: an actual play video!

Last week I ran a game on the Discord for Ben, Lotus, jrmuffin, and Dovahdrew which we recorded as an example session. I’ve added some of Will’s soundtrack, and a couple of Gabriel’s chapter heads, and you can now listen to the exploits of some fresh hunters as they complete their first contract. Click here to listen.

It was great fun to run, and I think it makes a neat little intro to Harrowmire and the kind of gameplay you can expect from WTMHL.

I aim to run a few more games over the next few months, so if you’re interested in joining one, head over to the Discord!

That’s all for now!